For some strange reason I have always been drawn to Hawaiian and Tiki art of the 1950's. The bright colors and cool designs are quite striking. If you are into that kind of thing, I highly recommend that you check out the artist Shag. There is a link to him on my Drawing and Comics link list. I picked up this Shag's Tiki Drinks Deck: 52 Ways to Shake Your Way to Paradise Edition (Case Bound Card Deck)
a while ago. The cards have some great examples of Shag's artwork on them. Today's drawing is a tiki that I did that was inspired by him.
Shag is good but a more authentic look at retro Hawaii (in all forms of great polynesian design) is Tiki Modern by Sven A Kirsten. Highly recommended book!
Nice Tiki man, makes me wanna listen to some Les Baxter.
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