Here is a pen with watercolor drawing that I was inspired by Danny Gregory to do. He is an amazing artist and author. I read his book, Creative License, The: Giving Yourself Permission to Be The Artist You Truly Are in which he talks about not worrying about making mistakes in art. He challenges you to draw directly in pen without erasing or going over your mistakes. You'd be amazed how many times while drawing this I just wanted to just start over again due to all of the mistakes I could see. It was a great learning tool. The drawing is of my Dad's old pipe stuff and a great book that I highly recommend, The Cowboy and the Cossack
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Fantastic sketches!!! Welcome to EDM and I'm so glad you decided to post your blog.
These are great! I used to draw Snoopy all the time, that's how I learned to draw, copying Charles Schultz. :)
great sketch welcome to EDM -
Fun sketches! I had forgotten Hagar the Horrible! ^^ This one with the pipe and the book is great!
Great sketch and blog.....welcome to EDM!
very fun and nice composition
Welcome to the EDM group. Your sketches are great!
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