I just wanted to take a minute and thank Mark Parisi (Cartoonist Survey #38) and his wife Lynn for hosting this year's New England Chapter of the National Cartoonist Society dinner. It was held this afternoon at Johnny D's Uptown Restaurant and Music Club in Somerville, MA. and a great time was had by all.

This year's guest speaker was Keith Knight. Not only was Keith's slide show presentation very funny but it was also informative.
While there I also finally got to meet cartoonist John Klossner (Cartoonist Survey #43) who made the drive down from Maine.

Thanks again Mark, Lynn and Keith!
Hey David. It was nice to meet you yesterday as well. The NCS Chapter dinner was a lot of fun. I had a great time. It is nice being in a room with so many people who have the same affliction (the need to cartoon :-). -Lenny
I agree: it was fun and helpful. Nice meeting you, Lenny. Your business card sure is memorable! :-) I only wish I'd walked around to other tables to meet others. So many wonderful cartoonists all over the joint. Plus Dave's florescent orange Hawaiian shirt. Hee hee!
You should have seen the shirt I was originally going to wear!!!
Thank my wife for not letting me out of the house with it on.
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