I wanted to take a moment and wish my dad a Happy Father's Day.
Here's dear old dad just before my Christening relaxing with his pipe. Don't worry, times were a little different back then (1962) and it was perfectly normal to smoke a pipe around an infant.

Here's one from a few months later with dad giving me my bottle. What better time to have a relaxing smoke.

Here I am around 1972 at age 10.

Thankfully, as you can see, I had a completely normal childhood. (Yes, I believe that is a bottle of Cutty Sark tucked under my "Tales of Edgar Allan Poe" book).
Happy Father's Day Dad!!!
Thank you for instilling in me my love of drawing, reading, history, science, nature, hockey, guitar playing, corny jokes, fly fishing, darts, cribbage...
When I was about 10, we were staying in a cabin during the summer... and after a hot day or running around outside, I was drinking ice water and my father was drinking gin out on the porch. My father pointed off into the woods and said, "Hey! Is that a bear?" I looked and saw no bear but, while I was distracted, he switched glasses with me. I picked up the glass and took a big old swig of what I thought was water and started to gag --- I thought I had swallowed gasoline --- as my father laughed. It's still one of my favorite memories.
It was a different era and fathers could still do things like smoke a pipe and pull pranks on their kids without someone calling child services.
Happy Father's Day.
These photos cracked me up David!
Limpey is right, it must have been much more fun to be a Dad back in the day. I remember my ol' man with a cigarette in his mouth 24/7, playing all kindza "jokes" on us that would most likely have the authorities removing us from his care nowadays.
I wouldn't trade it for anything.
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