Monday, November 21, 2011

Blog Archive

Did you know that all of the Cartoonist Surveys are archived on this blog? Did you also know that there is an easy way to find a specific cartoonist's answers without scrolling through hundreds of pages?

After speaking with my brother-in-law, who is not blog savvy, I realized that not everyone knows how to search through the content of David Wasting Paper. He complained that he had to keep clicking on"Older Posts" at the bottom of each page. What he didn't know is that on the right-hand side of the page is a section called, "Blog Archive" that makes it easy to find any of the Cartoonist Surveys.

Clicking on any of the black arrows under "Blog Archive" expands and contracts the information for that specific year and or month. Below are a couple screen shots as examples.

Happy searching!

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