A few months ago my brother-in-law, Jay showed interest in picking up the guitar again. I lent him my Fender acoustic so he could get his licks back while saving up for a guitar of his own. Last week he had enough cash to get one so we drove down to Guitar Center. We played many guitars and he finally settled on this Epiphone.
I ordered a mess of Faber Castell Pitt artist pens with various nib sizes.
I also ordered a bunch of non-photo blue pencils. These are great because when you photocopy your inked drawing, the pencil lines don't show up which saves you from having to erase all of your sketching.
I ordered this neat spinney thing to hold all of the pens and pencils.
Speaking of cartooning, here are a couple of more drawings I've done for my class. This one I did of my instructor giving us some advice.

This one is an exercise showing motion. Not sure what he is running to or from, but whatever it is, he's in a hurry.