Monday, January 4, 2010

Sketchbook Fish

Between shoveling snow and updating the Cartoonist Survey posts I haven't had much time to draw, but here is a page of cartoony fish I did in my sketchbook last week.


  1. And the caption is........

    (Nice fish!!)

  2. Great drawings. I like how you threw an eel in the mix. Best eel I ever saw. I like how the lantern fish is mesmerized by its own lantern lure. That would be a great cartoon!

  3. Thanks a lot guys!

    I couldn't think of anything else to draw so I did it for the HALIBUT (groan).

    Oh COD that was a bad pun (louder groan).

    Alright I will SCALE back my humor (someone revoke this guy's blog privileges).

    No, really I EEL your pain...

  4. Thanks for all the fish...and so long.
