Here are the compiled answers to the question, Did You Read Comics As A Kid And If So What Was Your Favorite?
The results are based on the answers provided by the first 100 cartoonists/artists.
Yes or No?
Yes - 90
No - 10
Favorite Comic
Everything - 11
Peanuts - 10
MAD - 9
Archie - 3
Calvin and Hobbes - 3
Spider-Man - 3
Uncle Scrooge - 3
X-Men - 3
Batman - 2
Beano (UK) - 2
Captain Marvel - 2
Fantastic Four - 2
Harvey comics - 2
Savage Sword of Conan - 2
Sgt. Rock – 2
The following answers were given by one person each.
70's horror comics
Alien Legion
Dick Tracy
Green Lantern
J'onn J'onn Manhunter from Mars
Justice League
Kirby's Fourth World
Krazy (UK)
Little Annie Fanny :o)
Plastic Man
Richie Rich
Sad Sack
Sunday Paper comics section
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
The Hulk
The Sub Mariner
Special Bonus Teaser...
Here is a list of upcoming Cartoonist/Artist Survey participants;
#115 - Cedric Hohnstadt
#116 - Randall Enos
#117 - Bill LaRocque
#118 - Kevin Spear
#119 - Lectrr
#120 - Sherm Cohen
#121 - Tony Piro
#122 - Polyp
#123 - Terry LaBan
#124 - Ray Alma
#125 - Richard Thompson
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